Demag InElect 160/520-680 (2012)Demag
InElect 160/520-680
Demag InElect 160/520-680 (2012)
InElect 160/520-680
Godina proizvodnje

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Podaci o mašini
- Opis mašine:
- Demag InElect 160/520-680 (2012)
- Proizvođač:
- Demag
- Model:
- InElect 160/520-680
- Godina proizvodnje:
- 2012
- Stanje:
- jako dobro (polovno)
- Lokaciju:
- Slovakia
- ID spiska:
- A146-96467
- Referentni br.:
- 00780
- Poslednje ažuriranje:
- datum 18.10.2024
Sila stezanja: 160 tona Dimenzije panela: 760 k 785 mm Udaljenost između
Tie barovi: 520 k 520 mm Prečnik vijka: 45 mm Pritisak ubrizgavanja: 2150 bara
Zapremina ubrizgavanja: 318 cm3 Shot težina: 283 g Oprema: Core slajdovi: 2
Hot runners: 8 Vazdušni ventili: 2 robota Sepro SDR 11 S3 TRANS transportne trake
Reklama je automatski prevedena i došlo je do nekih grešaka prilikom prevoda.
Tie barovi: 520 k 520 mm Prečnik vijka: 45 mm Pritisak ubrizgavanja: 2150 bara
Zapremina ubrizgavanja: 318 cm3 Shot težina: 283 g Oprema: Core slajdovi: 2
Hot runners: 8 Vazdušni ventili: 2 robota Sepro SDR 11 S3 TRANS transportne trake
Reklama je automatski prevedena i došlo je do nekih grešaka prilikom prevoda.
Kontakt osoba: G. Peter Balaj
3011 Sedličná
913 11 Trenčianske Stankovce, Slovačka
+421 32/3... označava
Pogledajte više

1994 Our company was founded in Trenčianske Stankovce.
We started to purchase and sell used plastic machines, made mostly by European brands such as Engel, Arburg, Demag, Battenfeld, Ferromatic, Krauss Maffei and many others.
Now With over 20 years of experience : We offer a wide range of machines and equipment for metalworking or plastic industry with more than 3400 sqare metres of warehouse, 20 ton overhead Crane and 8 ton overhead Crane, following the most modern and the most recent trends.
We also can provide their dismantling, loading, transport and installation to the customer.
We ensure all customs formalities and required documents.
We started to purchase and sell used plastic machines, made mostly by European brands such as Engel, Arburg, Demag, Battenfeld, Ferromatic, Krauss Maffei and many others.
Now With over 20 years of experience : We offer a wide range of machines and equipment for metalworking or plastic industry with more than 3400 sqare metres of warehouse, 20 ton overhead Crane and 8 ton overhead Crane, following the most modern and the most recent trends.
We also can provide their dismantling, loading, transport and installation to the customer.
We ensure all customs formalities and required documents.
Pogledajte više pravnih informacija
Gen. M. R. Štefánika 384/69
911 01 Trenčín
Gen. M. R. Štefánika 384/69
911 01 Trenčín
Više pravnih informacija zatvori
Prikaži manje
Pošalji zahtev
+421 32/3... označava
Možda će vas zanimati i ove reklame.
Poverljiva reklama

1.342 km
Lančane dizalice - 15 komada
DEMAG / STAHL / LIFTKET4 ton/2 ton/1 ton / 500/250/160/125 kg.
DEMAG / STAHL / LIFTKET4 ton/2 ton/1 ton / 500/250/160/125 kg.
Poverljiva reklama

842 km
Mašina za kalup za ubrizgavanje
DemagSystec 160/520-430
DemagSystec 160/520-430
Poverljiva reklama

842 km
Mašina za kalup za ubrizgavanje
DEMAGExtra 160-600
DEMAGExtra 160-600
Poverljiva reklama

1.261 km
Mak.160 kg
Poverljiva reklama

1.406 km
Lifting motor KBH 160 B2/12
Poverljiva reklama

1.394 km
Pritisnite alatku za kočnice
Stahl55/160/2680 mm
Stahl55/160/2680 mm
Poverljiva reklama

1.395 km
Hidraulična pumpa 24 V 160 bar
Si Smiths Industries102680-13-24
Si Smiths Industries102680-13-24
Poverljiva reklama

1.098 km
Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Runway
Demag / Stahl KBK 1 - Portalkran 160KGKBK1 3,5x3m 160Kg Kettenzug verzinkt
Demag / Stahl KBK 1 - Portalkran 160KGKBK1 3,5x3m 160Kg Kettenzug verzinkt
Poverljiva reklama

1.098 km
Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Runway
Demag - Portalkran KBK 1600KG KettenzugKBK III KBK3 12x5m Kettenzug + Zubehör
Demag - Portalkran KBK 1600KG KettenzugKBK III KBK3 12x5m Kettenzug + Zubehör
Poverljiva reklama

1.507 km
Mašina za kalup za ubrizgavanje
DEMAG 420T/820-1600 EL EXIS SP
DEMAG 420T/820-1600 EL EXIS SP
Poverljiva reklama

1.098 km
Kran Headliner kran portalni kran
Demag Hallenkran Brückenkran KranDKUN 10 ELKE 1600Kg 1,6t - Spur 11785mm
Demag Hallenkran Brückenkran KranDKUN 10 ELKE 1600Kg 1,6t - Spur 11785mm
Poverljiva reklama

1.395 km
Digitalna vaga 1600 mm
Sino Skantek DemagKA 200/1600
Sino Skantek DemagKA 200/1600
Poverljiva reklama

937 km
Portable asfalt mešanje postrojenja
Mobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plantMobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plant
Mobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plantMobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plant
Poverljiva reklama

1.429 km
High-bay magacinska paleta crossbeam
SLP / Traversentyp: RTS 160lichte Weite: 4.500 mm
SLP / Traversentyp: RTS 160lichte Weite: 4.500 mm
Poverljiva reklama

1.168 km
Drvo Sjeckalica Drvo Shredder
Poverljiva reklama

442 km
Pumpa Za vodu Centrifugalna pumpa
Stork 160 KW 660m3/hVMB-45-30 (2281)
Stork 160 KW 660m3/hVMB-45-30 (2281)
Poverljiva reklama

454 km
Hidraulična jedinica mobilna
FLUIDPROGRESS 25TE1.6 160/JD 24V1,6dm3/min 160bar
FLUIDPROGRESS 25TE1.6 160/JD 24V1,6dm3/min 160bar
Poverljiva reklama

1.409 km
Hofmann RW/NC-160
Hofmann RW/NC-160
Poverljiva reklama

1.493 km
Stacionarna fabrika za mešanje betona
Centrale à béton fixe de 160 m3/hCentrale à béton fixe de 160 m3/h
Centrale à béton fixe de 160 m3/hCentrale à béton fixe de 160 m3/h
Poverljiva reklama

1.429 km
Paleta stalak zrak samo trouglasto polica
Redirack 3.610 mm / K: 160 x 50 mmFachlast: 3.500 Kg
Redirack 3.610 mm / K: 160 x 50 mmFachlast: 3.500 Kg
Poverljiva reklama

1.168 km
Drvo Sjeckalica Drvo Shredder
SPOERRI HZ 720×160
SPOERRI HZ 720×160
Poverljiva reklama

442 km
Hidraulična štampa
Hans Schoen 160 T ViersäulenpressenNH 160/50 (3044)
Hans Schoen 160 T ViersäulenpressenNH 160/50 (3044)
Poverljiva reklama

454 km
Ekscentrična štampa
AIDA NC2-160160ton
AIDA NC2-160160ton
Poverljiva reklama

828 km
Asfalt mešanje biljka
Mobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plantMobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plant
Mobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plantMobile 160 TPH drum mix asphalt plant
Poverljiva reklama

454 km
Industrijski gasburner
Cuenod C 120 / 160 GX 507230-1600 kw
Cuenod C 120 / 160 GX 507230-1600 kw
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